Angus, thongs and full frontal snogging by Louise Rennison

Angus thongs and full frontal snogging is a very good book about a teenage girl called Georgia. Georgia’s dad has set off to go to New Zealand for a job and Georgia is left with her mum and sister Libby. She is part of the ace crew, Jas, Ellen, Jools, Mabs and Georgia, also known as the famous five. Jas and Georgia are the best of friends and when the new boys come to school they go all shy and nervous. Georgia has a cat called Angus she got him when she was up in Scotland. He was a stray and she thought that he was cute but Angus was a viscous cat and whenever he is lying on Georgia’s bed he will attack her.

I really liked this book because it was set like a diary and it told you about the little things as well as the big things. The book made me laugh a lot and I would recommend reading it to anyone. It is more of a girly book but it is still funny. There are 10 books in total. I will be looking forward to the 10th book still to come out.

Report by Pink jelly tot

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