Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

The Hunger Games trilogy is still in great demand in the library, especially with the latest Hunger Games movie, "Mockingjay, Part 1". If you haven't read any of the series, why not catch up now? These reviews talk about the second book in the trilogy, "Catching Fire":

Everyone should read "The Hunger Games" and "Catching Fire". The author of "Catching Fire" is Suzanne Collins and it is the second story of three books. Two people from each district who have won previous Hunger Games need to go back in the arena and fight for their lives again. The Hunger Games are games that two people from each district enter, and they need to fight for their lives, trying to find food, and kill each other until there is only one person left, or two people from the same district.  Everybody should read this book because it is really good and chapters end on cliff-hangers, so it makes you want to continue reading. 
By hnaa05

The Hunger Games are written by Suzanne Collins.  This book is set in the city of Panem. Katniss , known as ‘Katnip’, and Peeta won the first battle to death in the 74th Annual Hunger Games. This book is about the victors from the past Hunger Games leaving their families for the second time to fight to the death in the arena. A love triangle also occurs throughout the book. Everyone should read this book because it’s an award winning novel and has lots of cliff-hangers and suspense.
By Wubs and Chubs

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