Avast! Land Lubbers

Now, splice the mainbrace, me hearties! Get us t'full sail. It be time fer Pirate Day! It be worth readin' t'the end, because I be stickin' a pirate joke!

If ye'd said 'Ahoy' to these Readin' Lib-arrr-y Pirates today then' ye'd hae a doubloon and we all knows doubloons mean treasure!

Missed out on Dubloons? Then catch a pirate read for the weekend:

The Pirates! in an adventure with Scientists by Gideon Defoe
The Ship Between the Worlds by Julia Golding
The Princess and the Captain by Anne-Laure Bondoux
The Pyrates by George MacDonald Fraser

or if ye be wanting to know about real pirates try

Life Among the Pirates by David Cordingly
Skull and Saltire by Jim Hewitson

Fair winds' t' ye all, an' may th' tide always be in yer favour!

-- Mad Cap'n Wilson

An' now, as promised, a PIRATE JOKE:

Q: Did ye hear about th' pirate rap song?
A: The verses be terrible, but it be havin' a fantastic hook.

(P.S. I be plundering the words from Mad Cap'n Tom over at www.yarr.org.uk where you can also find local events to celebrate on the 19th).

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