The Subtle Knife by Philip Pullman

The Subtle Knife is all about Will Parry, a boy who wants to learn more about his father because he was an explorer and he went out on a mission in Antarctica and never returns.

So Will goes out to Oxford to see if he can find anything about his father. Failing to find anything, Will sees a cat run into a bush and not come back. He investigates and finds a portal of some sort and he runs through it. He finds himself in a city of silence, no one is here. He later meets Lyra, who is neither from his world nor this one. They team up and form as allies and continue their adventures together from there. Will discovers that there is more than just his world, there are millions…

I really love this book because it is really exciting and it may start off boring, but it gets more gripping. There are however, a lot of characters which may cause confusion, and a complex storyline which you must have either read the first book, or see the film The Golden Compass to understand. I would recommend it for those who love realistic fantasy and want a great, phenomenal adventure.


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