Roxy's Baby by Catherine MacPhail

‘Roxy’s Baby’ is about a fourteen year old girl who is having family problems, but even worse she is also pregnant. Because of this she decides that the only way to solve her problems is to run away to London hoping that her family will never find her.
When she arrives in London, she realises that it isn’t so great as she thought it would be and is stuck between staying in London with complete strangers or going back home with family and friends.
This book is great because once you read the first chapter you have to read more. The author has made the characters realistic and all brilliant and exciting in there own way. When I finished the book, I just had go to the library and pick up another one of her books. Reading this book made me realise that my family will al be there for me and that I shouldn’t take them for granted.

By Grandpa Jim

‘Roxy’s Baby’ is the best book I have ever read. It is about a 14 year old girl, who has just found out she is pregnant she knows her mum would flip if she found out so she has to run! She run’s to London and finds out about an old couple who take in young pregnant girls. It turns out that this couple aren’t as nice as they seem. Roxy wants to go home but she can’t she is stuck now!
Reading this book made me feel for Roxy and her problems as if she was a close friend. It took a while to get into this book but it is worth reading the start.
I would recommend this book to everyone because it is very exciting and its based on a true story.

By Isabella Jones

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