The Angel Collector by Bali Rai

The angel collector is about a girl named Sophie who has gone missing from a music festival. Eight months after she has gone missing all hope is lost, but her boyfriend Jit is determined to find her, so decides to search for his beloved girlfriend, as he had made a promise to her, that if she ever went away, he would find her.
Jit, Sophie dad and Sophie’s best friend Jenna, are searching through a web of clue’s, which leads to a shocking and unexpected twist in the end.
This book is exciting and is defiantly a page turner! Once you have read the first couple of chapters you just have to read on, I even read the last chapter, because I wanted to know so badly what had happened to Sophie, and I was shocked when I found out the unexpected twist at the end. I would recommend this book to people from S1 and onwards.

By Grandpa Jim

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