Private Peaceful by Michael Morpurgo

Private Peaceful, is a book about a young boy ''Tommo'' Thomas Peaceful who was looking back on his life during the trenches, of World War 1!
We'd say people should read it because it's a enjoyable book. You get right into it and you feel you feel the emotion of the characters.
 by Dumb & Dumberrrr

 The story is based on two brothers named charlie and Tommo, who have a rough childhood growing up in Iddelseigh , England. They have a brother named Big Joe and Charlie and Tommo is friends with a girl called Molly. They grow up to become in a army and Charlie gets executed for being a coward.While back at home molly is looking after charlie's new born baby. 
By Corndog98

It is about two brothers called Charlie and Tommo. Tommo feels really guilty throughout the book due to the tragic death of his father and he feels it is his fault. Later on in the book they meet a girl called Molly and they both really like her although Charlie goes on to marry her. During World War I they are both called up. Charlie gets executed whilst Molly looks after Charlie's new son.           

The book Private Peaceful is about Thomas Peaceful talking about his childhood to when he joined the army, this book is very entertaining. He blames himself for someones death when Tommo was a little boy, it wasn't his fault and he loves his brother's wife.You should read this book because it is very entertaing and you will find it hard NOT to read. READ THIS BOOK! 
by Allistair

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