West Lothian Libraries offer free e-Book loans (plus digital magazines and audio downloads)
Get the how-to here (you will need to join the public library to do that - in branch or online)
You can also get free eBooks elsewhere on the internet.
Mrs. Wilson loves Project Gutenberg as all their books are free as they are out of copyright including classics like Jane Austen, Brothers Grimm and Shakespeare.
Plus they have titles in other languages.
If you find the website too text heavy try ManyBooks they do much the same but it looks prettier. Other options include The Open Library and The Online Books Page
If you want children's books in other languages then head to the International Children's Digital Library. (they also have children's books in English). Or you can hear and watch a bunch of people read picture books at Storyline Online.
If a whole book isn't your thing you can get chapters of a book daily for free from DailyLit it has a bit of advertising attached but does let you read copyrighted books for free.
If you want something more academic Bibliomania includes study notes and similar in their free e-book titles.
If you want more recent titles then try https://rivetedlit.com/free-reads/ they only let you read them online but they change monthly.
There are also free books on Amazon which you can download to the free Kindle app on your phone or computer. You'll find similar free listing on Kobo and other e-reader sites try searching for the word 'free'.
Or if comics are more your thing try https://jyhslibrary.blogspot.com/2020/05/get-hooked-on-webcomics.html to get some ideas on comics to read.