'The Red Ribbon' by Lucy Adlington

JYHS Library monitors got the chance to read 'The Red Ribbon' by Lucy Adlington.

What was the book about?
"The Red Ribbon is a story about love, loss and most importantly hope."

What did you think of it?
The general consensus was that it was a slow start but well worth reading on.

"I surprisingly liked this book. It had compelling characters and an interesting plot."

"It was really good. I didn't want to stop reading it. I liked the historical accuracy."

"...as the story developed I became more immersed."

"This book had me grinning then crying the next minute I can't recommend reading it enough."

"I thought it was a brilliant book with with a powerful meaning and was extremely moving."

"I really connected with all the characters and felt what they felt!"

"This was the best book I've read so far, I loved it!"

"...the actual book is perfect."

"...she needs to do a sequel to The Red Ribbon"

Fancy reading it yourself? Pop into JYHS Library and borrow a copy.

#TheRedRibbon @HotKeyBooks

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