Mrs Gripton's been reading...

‘What the **** is Normal’ by Francesca Martinez *****

Francesca Martinez is a comedian and her autobiography describes her experiences of growing up with cerebral palsy (or in her words – “wobbly”). Martinez is a strong character who recounts the challenges she has faced with humour and positivity. The book also asks us to challenge our views on how we perceive ourselves and others around us too. We all have insecurities and things that we view as being weaknesses. Martinez reminds us that we should look for the positives and play to our strengths in life. An inspiring read! I would also recommend checking out her TED Talk on youtube.

We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves by Karen Joy Fowler ****

The problem with reviewing this book is that I don’t want to give away too much, as a third of the way in the reader’s perception of events begins to change. I got this book for Christmas and knew very little about it before reading it. I enjoyed it all the more for that reason. The quote on the blurb says “what if you grew up to realise that your father had used your childhood as an experiment.” If that line alone draws you in, then it’s worth reading this book.

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