Ghostgirl by Tonya Hurley

Charlotte User dies just before enacting a plan to date the gorgeous Damen and become popular. She refuses to accept her fate (death by gummy bear) and returns as a ghost with a mission: to go to the Fall Ball with Damen and get a midnight kiss...

 "Ghostgirl" by Tonya Hurley is about a girl who is a nobody; she is invisible to others, nobody talks to her, and nobody listens to her. One day she is paired with her crush in Science and she thinks her dreams have come true when their teacher puts them together. Now she’ll be noticed. But unfortunately she dies choking on a gummy bear...
Why should you read it? It is an amazing book and should appeal to everyone. You can relate to it. I found it very exciting and interesting. Everyone either knows someone or is that person who is always left out so it’s a great book for friendship as well.

By GummyBear1243

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