Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

Twilight is about a young girl named Bella Swan who moves from sunny Phoenix to dreary forks to go live with her dad Charlie. He is head of the police force. Although nothing really happens in Forks, he is dealing with a serious case about people being killed by what seems to be animals. On her first day of Forks High School Bella finds a group of friends quickly and is settling in quickly. After being there for a couple of days she encounters on a boy in her year, the totally gorgeous Edward Cullen but Edward Cullen is not like other boys. He never sleeps and he doesn’t eat or drink anything but blood because Edward Cullen is a vampire. As soon as Bella and Edward meet, Bella is getting into all sorts of trouble. She gets mugged by a gang of boys and is almost run over by a car at school. Most importantly, she is in danger of getting killed by another vampire clan. When she gets a mysterious phone call asking her if she would choose her life over her mothers, her life gets even harder. She is forced to leave her dad and be under the watchful eye of Edward’s sisters Rosalie and Alice and brothers Jasper and Emmet. Will Bella stay out of trouble, big or small?

I enjoyed this book because it is funny at some parts and very thrilling at others. My favourite character is Alice because in ways I can relate to her because she is quirky and always fun to have around. My least favourite character is Jessica which is one of Bella’s friends. She is so self centred and thinks she is perfect. Overall it is a good book with different amounts of emotion to balance it out.

by Princesspineapple123

Twilight is a book about a girl who move to a different town. She meets a boy called Edward who is a vampire but keep this secret from her.
I liked the book very much.

By Peter Griffin

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