Dead Sky, Black Sun by Graham McNeil

It's about a Space Marine Captain called Uriel Ventris and his Sergent Pasanius. Exiled from their Chapter the pair venture [a Death Oath] into the Eye of Terror to destroy the dreaded Daemonculaba. During their Death Oath Uriel and Pasanius stumble into a group of Space Marines. The only problem is their destination is inside a Chaos Space Marine fortress, Khalan-Ghol. Not only that there's a huge battle over the fortress and there are mysterious creatures that lurk in the mountains that surround Khalan-Ghol called The Unfleshed. Will Uriel and Pasanius destroy the Daemonculaba, let alone regain their rightful place in their chapter?

I really enjoyed this book it had non-stop action and an excellent story behind it. It had an excellent ending that you could not think of and it was really hard to put down because of the way the author wrote it.

By Robert Lugini

Want to know more? You can read an extract here

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