The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne

The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas is quite a good book because it is about a boy whose dad becomes the commandant of Auschwitz and they move out into the country beside the camp and the boy Bruno has a friend in the camp and goes to see him every day and takes him food and plays games with him. But at the end there is a tragic accident…read it yourself to find out what!

By Douglas Pritch

The boy in stripped pyjamas is about a boy that lived in Berlin during the second world war then moves to a place called Out-with. Out of his window he notices a farm with people in stripped pyjamas.  This is actually a concentration camp.

It’s a good book all about adventure and excitement. When Bruno decides to have a little adventure of his own he sees what happens at the farm and when he does he meets a small boy. I think it’s a fantastic book  because its a good storyline.

By James  

This book is about a nine year old boy (Bruno); don’t think this book is for nine year olds. He has moved from his home in Berlin and had to stay in a place called out-with, one day he walks along a fence and meets a boy called shumel. The two boys become friends easily, even though Shumel does not look the same as Bruno one thing is he has no hair and he wears striped pyjamas. He also is very skinny

I read this book in class, during school time. I found it very hard to imagine what the camp would look like. But the thing what happen their are horrible so I hope you don’t find a place like this.

By Anon

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