The main character of this book is called Bree Tanner. It is about her new life as a vampire, in a newborn vampire army. It tells you how she felt and survived, how she became part of the newborn amry and how the newborn army become ready to fight the Cullens (the main characters in the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer). The genre of this book is horror but there is a small bit of romance. Bree Tanner is a very strong character it is clear that a lot of love went into this character when the book was written. The ending is very sad but it had to tie in with what happened in ‘Eclipse’ as it’s a short story about one of the characters that briefly appears in the book.
I would say that the intended audience of this book is 13 and over. Stephanie Meyer’s style of writing is very suitable for this audience and anyone who is dyslexic will have no problem reading the book as well. The Short Second life of Bree Tanner gets a five star rating. So if you have any free time you must read it.
Written by D.D.