Airman by Eoin Colfer is an exiting adventure story of treachery and betrayal about a boy, Connor Broekhart and his need to fly. This need is explored fully as this the story of Conner’s life and of Great Saltee, the place where he lives, a small island community which is throwen into turmoil when the leader, King Nicholas is betrayed and is replaced by his jealous advisor, Hugo Bonvilain. The story is driven by the highs and lows of the Conner’s life and by his desire to fly and his need for justice. This book shows Colfer at his best and draws you into a story which is hard to put down as you just can’t waits for the next exiting twist and leaves you wondering when not reading it what exiting new direction the tale will go in. The historical setting to the book adds to the feeling of adventure as it brings make memories of exiting, swashbuckling adventures of old. I would definitely recommend this to anyone who wants to read a new and exiting book which bring the genre to new heights (literally) and makes you want to read more and more and read it again and again. 5 Stars!!!
by SR