Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer

The Artemis Fowl books are very good because there an easy read and funny.
My favourite Artemis Fowl book is the 1st one it is based on a kid genius that has discovered fairies; he manages to capture a LEPrecon police elf. Her name is Holly Short she is the only female elf
In the Elvin police force. She lives underneath the earth’s surface near the core at a mega city called Tara it is the biggest city under the surface.

He takes her back to his mansion which he inherited of his father it has security cameras a wall on all sides and Artemis’s own body guard called Butler he is a huge man compared to Artemis that can cook clean or use any weapon on earth or any thing as a weapon.

He is smart because he predicted the more advanced fairies had trackers on their armour he found the tracker in her helmet and had butler hide it on a boat where her commander Root came to rescue her. But he didn’t know that Artemis would play such a crafty trick: he strapped a sizeable bomb to the tracker root survived but had a whole new perception of Artemis fowl.

Holly had travelled above ground to get to a oak tree which she could regenerate her magic, all she had to do was put an acorn into the earth and her magic would come flooding back, but she had not been able to do this before she was abducted. What Butler and Artemis did not know was that she had stashed the acorn in her boot.

The rest of the LEPrecon was planning an attack at fowl manner due to the fact that humans could have access to weapons and technology that they were not ready for such as Holly’s side arm that could with a single blast blow a house up.

They had decided to take a master of “breaking and entering” out of jail to do the job – tunnelling under the manor get holly out so the LEP could blue rinse the place which was bio–bombing the place.

He failed to save them so they send in a troll to bash the place down but artemis has a plan that could get them all killed ….

By Nemo

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