Boy meets Book

Want to be a Reading Champion? Then tuck into one of these:

Princess Bride by William Goldsmith
- I know this sounds girly but it isn't. It is hilarious full of one-liners, swordfights, giants, torture chambers and rodents of unusual size (ROUS).

Catcher in the Rye - J.D.Sallinger
- This is a classic, banned at various times in the USA because it promotes un-American values. It covers a few important days in the life of Holden Caufield a 16 year old prep school drop out.

Hitchhicker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams
A cult classic it's been a radio and tv series and a movie. Earth is demolished one Thursday morning to make way for a Hyperspace by-pass. Arthur Dent is planetless and in real need of a cup of tea.

Don't fancy fiction?

The Darwin Awards - Wendy Northcutt
- It's a collection of true stories about how dumb people met their maker.

Are You Dave Gorman? - Dave Gorman and Danny Wallace
- As a drunken bet Dave heads off round the world to meet fellow Dave Gormans. Part travel log, part people watching but all hillarious!

Boy and Going Solo - Roald Dahl
- The autobiographies of Dahl are facinating, funny and every bit as exiciting as his fiction.

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