The Witches by Roald Dahl

The witches is about a young boy named Luke whose mum and dad unfortunately die. His Gran now looks after him. Lukes gran used to study witches and tells him a lot about them. One day Luke was building a tree house when he came across a witch with a snake in her hand she was trying to taunt him down. Luke remembered what his gran had told him and stayed up in the tree. Luke and his gran go to a hotel on a brake away from home but they come across a the grand high witch ceremony which is when all the witches from the country come over and try to make up a plan to kill all the children.

One day Luke is playing with his mice when suddenly all the witches come in and lock the door up with chains. They all take off their wigs, their shoes and their gloves. Luke hid there behind the curtain and listened to all their plans. After a while they all started to leave when suddenly a witch smelt dogs’ droppings (which are clean children). Then they all started looking for Luke.

by Anon

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