James and The Giant Peach by Roald Dahl

This book is about a boy whose parents have died after died being eaten by a big rhino. Since James’s parents are dead his mum’s evil sister’s have to look after James. When James is doing one of his aunt’s chores he happens to come across a man who has magical things in a bag. The man tells him to look after them then he just disappears. James runs back to the house but falls by a big peach tree. His aunt’s find him and tell him to but before they could speak they see a peach growing on the tree. It grows gigantic. His aunt’s then sell tickets for people to see the peach and of course make James clean up at the end of the day. When James is cleaning he happens to find a big hole in the peach so he decides to crawl into it then he comes across the big stone in the middle but he meets things inside the peach. I would recommend this book to people over the age of eight.

By Jimbob Squarepants

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