JYHS Library Survey - Comments


A few of you took the time to add your comments on how we could improve the library so here is the feeback to some of the more frequently asked for changes.

42 pupils requested the school unblock Facebook/Youtube/Games - alas this is outside the school library's control however why not raise it at year group pupil councils and see if you can't get this changed.

More books, new books - the annual budget is tight (only £1500 for everything including printer ink, photocopying and pens) I'm afraid and book stock selection has to be base on supporting subject needs against reading for pleasure. Last year I added 740 new titles to our stock. On the plus side we can get books in from the public libraries - just ask.

Tell us when you get new books - that I can do and I will try and keep the shelfari link on the left of the blog updated with the latest new books. Check out the display shelves on top of the adult and teen stock - often new books will be on display there.

More seats, tables and computers - alas folks this won't happen anytime soon we have some of the best computers in the school and 70 people can be seated in here at once. Though if you feel it is an issue raise it at pupil council meetings and see if you can convince school management to look into it (there is a space issue though - not sure we can physically fit more tables into the library).

A quiet study area - from August the lower library will be for quiet study at break and lunch.

Some of you wanted me to ease the rules about coming to the library to do something and instead let you just sit and chat. The reality is that with around 1000 pupils a week using the space and only enough to let 70 sit at once, there just isn't room for people to be in here just chatting. There is high demand for seats and other pupils want to play tables games, read, use a computer, do homework, study, pick a book or play games on their phone or console quietly. Sitting and chatting could be done in other parts of the school so I'm afraid you will just have to find somewhere else to hang out.

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